Session — ASN Events
Insulin-sensitive obesity in humans  Energy and appetite regulating hormones: Sex and weight category differences prior to weight loss Holding the food industry to account for their role in obesity prevention: a proposed monitoring approach Fatness and use of time and health-related quality of life in 10-13 year old Australian children. “9 A Day” servings of fruit and vegetables and cardiovascular disease risk profiles in postmenopausal women Novel, human-specific adaptations drive the obesogenic environment, metabolic syndrome and malnubesity – new mathematical model of metabolism requires energy and micronutrient data The ethics of social marketing about body-weight Quantifying the contribution of “browned” white adipose tissue depots to whole-body glucose homeostasis Comparative Study of depression in obese men and women BRSK1 regulates glucose uptake in L6 cells and mouse skeletal muscle Sociocultural influences on body image discontent and stigma Body dissatisfaction and obesity: Consequences and implications for intervention Bioelectrical impedance measurement of body composition in obese adolescents Centre for Obesity Management & Prevention Research Excellence in Primary Health Care Effects of intermittent standing bouts during the workday on energy expenditure in desk-bound office workers Comparison of the behavioral and metabolic effects of chronic 10% sucrose drink consumption in Albino and Hooded Wistar rats. An intervention to reduce sitting time in office workers: baseline characteristics of participants in the Stand Up Victoria study New knowledge in parenting: implications for the prevention of obesity Self-regulation of unhealthy food marketing to children is a failure, so where to now?  Potential of food and beverage taxes and subsidies to change behaviour and prevent disease Mapping the insulin signalling network Receptor for advanced glycation end products is a regulator or glucagon production Does overweight really matter? miRNA profiling of human brown adipose tissue and brown adipocyte progenitor cells National Preventive Health Research Strategy